Friday the 13th Part 3 Movie Review

Friday the 13th Part 3 Movie Review

This is it. The final review before the big day. I have 7:15pm Friday night mapped out with a path to get my tickets early in the day. I'm off. The gf is off. So we're about to have a panic attack over this. So, on to Friday the 13th Part 3.

If I remember right this was the 3rd Friday the 13th I ever saw. I saw it after Part 6 and Part 2. It came on a local tv station back in I think 1988 on Halloween at 11pm. I actually remember this thing scaring the living shit out of me and I didn't sleep for a week. I watched it again the other day as part of my From Crystal Lake to Manhattan collection. And surprisingly it was still damn good.
Dana Kimmell plays are lead actress that will ultimately will face Jason. Which is a hell of a hard road to hold after the greatness that was Amy Steel. Let me tell you this movie is known for two major things. Being in 3D and for Jason getting the hockey mask for the first time. This movie also picks up immediately after Part 2 ends. Which I loved how 2-4 were back to back even tho this would make it Saturday the 14th. Who's really counting. This movie is also known for a couple damn good kills in the series. Number one guy gets split in half while walking on his hands and a dude gets his head squeezed until one of his eye balls pops out at the camera in all of its 3D Glory. Now I will tell you as I watched this movie again probably for the first time in a while I realized how much I still liked this flick. Leading to a great ending between Dana Kimmell and Jason Voorhees. All in all this was a damn good Friday and now it probably stands as my 5th favorite out of the 11 movies. Not bad. I give it 4 out of 5 axes.

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